About Us
Ghiocel Predictive Technologies, Inc. is a small business corporation that is specialized in computational mechanics, uncertainty modeling and risk prediction for large-scale complex engineering applications.
About Us
Ghiocel Predictive Technologies, Inc. is a small business corporation that is specialized in computational mechanics, uncertainty modeling and risk prediction for large-scale complex engineering applications. Ghiocel Predictive Technologies has accumulated an engineering experience of more than fifty years in the area of computational stochastic mechanics, statistical modeling and structural risk prediction. Most of the Ghiocel Predictive Technologies research projects are related to engineering projects on the application of advanced computational mechanics modeling and state-of-the-art reliability prediction tools to aircraft, ground vehicle and nuclear facility structural systems analysis.
Ghiocel Predictive Technologies staff has significant engineering experience in performing seismic soil-structure interaction analysis of nuclear-safety related structures for structural design or safety margin and probabilistic risk assessment reviews.
Ghiocel Predictive Technologies has research collaborative work with Cornell University on advanced stochastic modeling, University of California at Berkeley on high-performance computational mechanics and University of Iowa CCAD on reliability-based design optimization of complex vehicle systems.

Dr. Dan M. Ghiocel
President• Brief Professional Profile,Contact Information and Updated CV by 2023: Click here Photo above made in 2003 at company inception.

Dr. John D. Stevenson
Senior Associate• Brief Professional Profile and Contact Information: Click here . Photo above made in 2003 at company inception. Deceased in 2014.